Wonder what it takes to rank on top of Google or other search engine algorithms? Allow us to explain. Read this blog to find out.

Ranking on top of search engines might seem like an impossible thing to do if you are a new business, but in fact, it is doable. All you need is consistency, patience, and high-quality work, and you will be able to do so.

Have you ever wanted to rank on top of Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine? Ever wondered why some brands rank higher on search engines even though they are a different niche?

Can You Rank High on Search Engines?

For example, there is a brand called “HubSpot”. It is known for its inbound marketing and sales software. However, the company’s blog covers a wide variety of topics, that go beyond marketing and sales. Their blogs include entrepreneurship, leadership, and technology trends.  Even though they are a software company, their content strategy and blogs are so on point that their blogs and content rank on top for many topics and keywords.

This should give you enough motivation to rank on top of search engines, right? Well, to help you out, this blog aims to educate you on how you can rank higher on search engines as per its algorithm.

READ MORE: How to get more traffic through social media and marketing?

How Can You Achieve a High Ranking on Search Engines?

Ranking high on search engines means more traffic for your site. Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is the process of ensuring that your techniques align with the algorithms of search engines so that your site ranks higher.  If you are looking for more traffic on your website, you can follow these steps:


The most important thing is the promotion and marketing of your site. When it comes to running a campaign, think of budgets, customers, activities, and items as your go-to in the game. Some are more reliable than others, and you must fine-tune your strategy to get the most out of them.

There’s a whole bunch of work to do, especially when it comes to figuring out bidding strategies and deciding when to focus on a specific audience. If you don’t fine-tune these aspects, you could run into some issues along the way. It’s all about finding that sweet spot for a successful campaign!

You need to figure out how your keyword strategy will convert into sales and allow your business to boom, diverging more traffic to your website.

Go Live: Go Public

Relying just on organic traffic would not be a wise idea if you aim to reach potential customers. What you need is a cheat code and content marketing turns out to be your cheat code in this case. You have to share your content and brand identity on social media platforms, keep in mind the theme of the social media, and make sure you post according to the type of social media.

Sharing interesting links on Twitter or Facebook will be a good way to make your site traffic grow. To increase the list of comprehensive links, you can use Google My Business as a medium and target local areas at the same time. This is how you can become a website with more traffic.

Season and Mix

Content marketing isn’t as simple as it seems, as you might’ve had the perception. It is a complex science of ideas, therefore you need to mix up your content strategies and content to mix different types of readers.

You can post new-based articles with in-depth pieces, aiming just to provide knowledge to the readers. Add images, graphs, and videos where necessary. The right approach is to include quality and accurate content. The content should not be clickbait, spammy, or scam.

Titles That Sell: Attractive Hooks

Headlines and titles are the most important part of your website, and that is for 2 reasons. First, it grabs the attention of the reader and keeps them hooked for more, secondly, it is important for the search engine algorithm.

Mastering the art of headlines and writing copies that attract is the key to ranking higher on search engine algorithms. In many top publication websites, content goes through many headline changes before the final draft is posted.

So be patient, relax, have the temperament, and post the final draft when you think the final draft is ready.

On-page Optimization

Yes, sure, backlinking is necessary, but do you know what most people miss? On-page optimization. Most people do not emphasize enough on on-page optimization and miss on search engine rankings.

Keywords in different places through the content, in the headings, titles, meta titles, and descriptions are very important.The keyword density needs to be kept in mind, i.e. kept between 1-2%. You can become a website with more traffic if you play your cards with on-page SEO right.

It is important that you never miss alt-texts on images, and that the keyword is present at the start of the content, and must be present on the headings h1,h2,h3, and so on. The content should be well structured in terms of hierarchy.  

Lastly, don’t be afraid of interlinking your content with other content present on your website so that you drive more traffic to your website eventually, and make sure to update and post the link of your current content or previously present content on your website.

Long-tail Keywords

Maximizing your online visibility requires a strategic approach that extends beyond targeting competitive keywords on major search engines like Google. While these industry giants possess the resources to effectively deliver ads for challenging keywords, many marketers find themselves unsatisfied with exclusively pursuing high-volume phrases.

In a landscape where niche searches occur regularly, it becomes compulsory to broaden your scope and ensure comprehensive coverage within your paid advertising and SEO strategies.

Guest Posting For Social Media

If you want to be known in the digital marketing community, guest blogging/guest posting is the best way for you to do so. It can help you get more traffic and sales on the service that you provide. A lot of websites accept guest posts, but make sure to do so in a respectable manner and keep in mind the rules on the websites, if there are any, or you may lose that link.

Make sure not to create spammy links, or you will be penalized by Google, and work as per their algorithm update. You can reach out to regular bloggers in your niche and ask for their permission so that you can post on their website. Remember, this approach works only when your content is quality, otherwise, it’s just like wasting your time.

Responsive Design and Fast Functionality

Your website must have a responsive design so that you get the most views from all the devices. People no longer use desktops or PCs; most people have switched to mobile phones and tablets. If you are making a website that focuses on scrolling rather than pinching and zooming, chances are that an average user on a mobile phone will not like your website and will go away. This hurts your website’s rankings.

Another important factor to rank higher is the speed of a website. With short attention spans in an average person lately, thanks to TikTok videos and Instagram reels, nobody likes to wait for anything anymore. If your website takes more than a second to load, chances are that people will leave your site. This will affect your ranking as this is an important factor in Google’s search engine algorithm.


Another important thing you’d want to have is a lot of backlinks to your website. What you want is the quality of the backlinks rather than the quantity. If you keep these factors in mind, create quality content, and believe in yourself, you can rank on top of Google as well.